A Safe Place provides education to adults in various settings throughout the community. We currently offer a 25 hour Understanding Domestic Violence Training for new staff, volunteers and interested community members followed by a 15 hour Understanding Sexual Violence Training. We also offer one time workshops on sexual harassment to employers/employees and child abuse and mandated reporting of abuse trainings to summer camp counselors. Please contact us for more information or to schedule a workshop.
Understanding Domestic Violence: What everyone should know and how you can help
Have you ever wondered how people get into violent relationships and why anyone would stay with an abusive partner?
Have you ever wanted to help a friend or neighbor, but didn’t know what to say or do?
Have you ever wanted to volunteer at A Safe Place, but wished you knew more about the issues?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this training is for you. Using a curriculum that was developed specifically for agencies in Massachusetts who work with victims of intimate partner violence, the staff of A Safe Place will provide an eight week introductory training that will answer all the above questions and more.
This training is a pre-requisite for most volunteer opportunities at A Safe Place and is also recommended for current volunteers and members of the community who want to learn more about what they can do to make a difference.
Understanding Sexual Violence: What everyone should know and how you can help
Part 2 of the two-part Community & Volunteer Training for A Safe Place
(*Part 1, Understanding Domestic Violence, is a pre-requisite for this training*)
Participants in this training will learn about the myths, facts and realities of sexual violence, explore the connection between domestic violence and sexual assault and learn how to support someone who has been raped or assaulted.