A Safe Place, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, services, or activities or in its hiring or employment practices. Compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) includes participants in services, employees and the general public.
Individuals who need auxiliary aids for effective communications in programs and services at A Safe Place, Inc. are invited to make their needs and preferences known to the ADA Compliance Coordinator.
Questions, concerns, complaints or requests for assistance may be directed to the ADA Compliance Coordinator.

A Safe Place’s Office is equipped with a ramp and automatic door in the rear of the building. The ramp entrance is to the right of the parking spaces closest to the building. An accessible bathroom is located in the front area of the office.
Interpretive Services
A Safe Place is able to provide several forms of interpretive services to make its services accessible to all.
In Person

A Safe Place has several part-time staff who speak Spanish and has access to medically trained interpreters who can be requested and utilized as needed for Spanish and Portuguese. If a client has a hearing or speech impairment, A Safe Place will seek out appropriate interpretive services. For all other languages, we utilize telephone interpreter services.
By Telephone

A Safe Place uses Language Line Interpretive Services, which allow our advocates to contact an interpreter on behalf of our clients and insure 24-hour interpreter availability for over 200 languages.
TTY for the Hearing and Speech Impaired

If it is difficult for you to use telephone equipment for any reason, A Safe Place has a TTY machine and dedicated phone number, (508) 228-7095, to answer these calls.
Alternative Formats

It is the policy of A Safe Place that all A Safe Place documents and publications are available, to anyone who requests them, in alternate formats. These include large print, audio tape, audio tape, email or compact disc. Please contact the ADA Compliance Coordinator to request these formats.
Within four business days, A Safe Place will complete this request free of charge.